Department of Obstetrics (Prenatal Care and Birth)

Obstetrics (Pregnancy Services and Labor&Delivery)

Since the year 2000, we've adopted a way of delivery called "Free-Style Childbirth." In this way, you may eat, drink and move about freely during labor and may birth in any position that feels right to you. Because babies and you are the center of the event, we value such personalized delivery style for each mother-to-be so you can have the birthing experience in the very way you want. In case of complications, we have a solid plan where we can respond quickly and either have surgery or transfer to hospitals if needed in a prompt manner.
There is also a pedeatrics located in the same building, which makes it comfortable and convenient for all women to visit from prenatal care to postpartum visit to well-baby care.

6F Obstetrics/Gynecology Reception

To See our Physicians

We recommend visiting us with appointments to reduce wait times.
You can make an appointment by emails.

Please provide your full name, your phone number, and available time and date to receive our calls (please give us at least 3 options).
If you are a return patient, please include your patient ID number in your email too.

Our English speaking staff will be in contact with you once we receive your email as soon as possible to assist you in English to make an appointment.

(If you have a letter of reference from another clinic and/or the Mother and Child Health Handbook, please bring them, too.)

Please note that all appointment times are subject to change at short notice due to circumstances such as deliveries or emergency surgeries.

1F Concierges at General Reception

Reception Hours for Outpatients

Monday 8:15am-5:30pm
Tuesday 8:15am-5:30pm
Wednesday 8:45am-10:30am
Thursday 8:15am-5:30pm
Friday 8:15am-4:00pm
Saturday 8:45am-11:30am,
National Holiday


Throughout your pregnancy, we will check your blood pressure, take a urine sample, and conduct ultrasound to make sure your pregnancy is developing well, and that you and the fetus are healthy.

Prenatal care check-up procedure:
Check-in → urine and blood test →measuring blood presssure and weight → physical exam (→midwifery care)

If you experience any bleeding or pain during your pregnancy, come visit us at any time to get checked.
* We are not able to conduct midwifery service after 5:30pm, so if you are scheduled with midwifery service, please make sure your appointment time is before 5pm.

Tests at your first prenatal visit:

  • Blood tests (blood type, syphilis, rubella, hepatitis B, hepatitis C, HIV, human T-lymphotropic virus, irregular antibodies, glucose level, Toxoplasmosis, hemoglobin)
  • Pap smear
    When we conduct first visit screening, we might be able to give you your due date.
    ※You might be offered additional tests if you have certain risk factors or conditions.

12-23 weeks pregnant:

For a healthy pregnancy, one prenatal visit every 4 weeks. During the period, you will be tested for anemia and chlamydia.

24-35 weeks pregnant:

For a healthy pregnancy, one prenatal visit every 2 weeks. You will have blood tests for anemia and glucose level. We will continue to check on your and your baby's health.

36 weeks pregnant to Birth

One prenatal visit every week. From week 39 on, Non-Stress Test is performed. The test checks your baby’s heart rate and monitors your baby’s movements. It also monitors any contractions you might have and how your baby reacts to them.


Breech Babies

A breech position is when your baby is lying bottom-down in your uterus.  If your baby is in a breech position at the start of labor, vaginal birth can be more risky for your baby; thus, your doctor or midwife may advise you to have a caesarean birth. To avoid c-section, at 36 weeks, your doctor or midwife might suggest you a procedure called ECV (External Cephalic Version) to try to turn your baby to a head-down position. Discuss the procedure with the doctor and s/he will assess the risks and make a decision based on your health history and your comfort level with ECV.


Epidural Labor

An epidural is a procedure used to relieve pain during labour and birth. It reduces pain but do not eliminate it entirely, so patients can have a sense of when to push.
An epidural has several benefits: Relieving intense pain, an epidural has the potential for a quicker recovery. This will calm fears of labor and tends not to leave negative memories about labor. Without having fear and anxiety about giving birth, a lot of patients would think positively on having another child.
However, we are aware that there are some risks as well.
At KATSUKI Ladies Clinic, we have introduced epidural anesthesia in February, 2021. Considering the risks, we restrict epidural labors to Mondays and Thursdays during the daytime, where we have more staff and can monitor and care for patients during labor. Also, patients who request to have epidural must attend online epidural class to understand the benefits, potential side effects, and what to expect from their epidural placement. If you would like to have an epidural at KATSUKI Ladies Clinic, please register for it once your doctor determins your due date.

Number of Deliveries by Methods at Katsuki Ladies Clinic
#. of All Deliveries #. of Epidural #. of C-Section
Year 2021 404 27 52
Year 2022 540 70 84
6F Obstetrics/Gynecology Waiting Room


"Free-Style Childbirth"

In this way of giving birth, you can move about freely during labor, and you may birth in any position such as lying on your side or on hands and knees, whatever ways you feel right.
We have 2 Labor & Delivery rooms, and 1 Japanese style tatami room, so according to you birth plan, you may choose your preferred room to give birth.

Labor, Delivery, & Recovery Room
Japanese Style Labor&Delivery Room

Birth Partners Staying Overnight

At KATSUKI Ladies Clinic, your partner and/or family members can stay overnight with you (Suites and private rooms only).
Just talk to any of our staff members if you have the request.



Our certified nurse midwives will provide health care during, and after your pregnancy.
In addition, your bump and fundal height will be measured.
We also give you instructions on healthy lifestyle during your pregnancy, how to take care of your breasts, and help you plan how you want to give birth (building your own "birth plan").
Please do not hesitate to bring any question you have. Your partner or family members can also be with you during the appointment.
You are scheduled to have several midwifery services throughout your pregnancy, but if you want extra help from our midfives and talk about any concerns, you can just tell the receptionist about it when you check-in at any appointment.

6F Obstetrics/Gynecology Waiting Room


Have you ever heard of the phrase "birth plan?"
A birth plan is a record of what you would like to happen during your labour and after the birth. Yet those of you who can actually image your birth and create a plan for it precisely might be not many.
Well, it does not have to be precise. Take a moment, and think and plan by yourself, or with your loved ones!

Our facility

Attending the Birth for dads and others

If the mother-to-be agrees, anyone can attend the birth. In case of C-section, only one person can attend the birth in the operating room.
Just let us know in advance. However, a person may not attend the birth if s/he has symptoms of cold, or of other health problems, like infections.

Cutting the Umbilical Cord

If you wish, you or one of your loved ones can cut the cord with the support of our midwives.

Kangaroo Care (skin-to-skin contact)

Skin-to-skin contact between mothers and newborns was first used in neonatal wards in a hospital in Colombia, which dealt with high-risk infections. When preterm babies clothed only in diapers were placed in an upright position against their mothers' bare chest, the infants' survival rate has increased and the level of abandonment has decreased.
It is not alwayas the case in all developed countries, but mothers and babies can benefit greatly from Kangaroo Care such as keeping the baby's body warm, keeping his/her heart and breathing regular, and having a better mommy-baby connection.


Changing Doctors to Ours

If you intend to give birth at our facility, please make a delivery reservation at our obgyn as soon as possible. (We might have to decline your request due to the availability.) You can just email for the request. The English speaking staff will then call you to discuss your reservation.

For the First Visit to our Clinic

  • Make sure you ask your current provider to write a letter of reference including all of your lab results.
  • If you already have mother-and-child booklet, make sure to bring it with you.



You should be admitted...

  • if it is your first baby: when contractions are stornger, painful, and 5 minutes apart regularly
  • if it is your second or more: when contractions are stronger, painful, and 10 minutes apart regularly
  • when water breaks
  • when it is bleeding
  • if you have: strong pain in your belly or pelvis, or other serious problems

What to Bring

Your baby might arrive earlier than expected, so it’s worth having your baby hospital bag organized and packed around in advance.

  • "Sanjoku-shorts": 2〜3pairs(a special kind of maternity underwear with a velcro opening at the crotch
  • extra long overnight pads: about 20 pads
  • nursing bras
  • toiletries
  • baby nail clipper
  • towels for your baby
  • baby's outfit
  • gauze handkerchiefs for wiping baby's face etc after breastfeeding

* If you previously had C-section, add followings to your list: Postpartum belly wrap & compression stockings
* Slippers, toothbrush&paste, towels, chopsticks, spoon, cups, shampoo, conditioner, hair dryer, baby clothes for the hospital stay will be provided at our facility.
* We have coin operated laundry service (2 washers & 2 dryers). Feel free to use them during your stay.

How You Spend Your Time After Birth

Your Room
You will be staying in the Labor, Delivery, & Recovery Room during your labor and birth, and the first hour or two after you give birth, then you are transferred to the postpartum floor.
Room options: semi-private rooms, private rooms, and suites (We might not be able to fulfill your request due to the availability.)
We encourage rooming-in with your baby, while we do have the nursery and are able to keep your baby in case you want to sleep and recover.
In suites and private rooms, your partner and/or family members can stay with you on a futon-bed.
Each patient room is equipped with a bathroom.
We provide free Wi-Fi on every floor. If you have any questions concerning the Internet, just ask one of our team.
We encourage breasfeeding.
Baby Exam
Dr. Tahara, the pediatrician from the pedeatrics (3F) of Katsuki Medical Building will examine your baby during your stay.
Regarding Security
If it is after hours or closed, you can reach our nurse staff by the intercom located next to our front door.
Staires are only emergency use. We also have installed security cameras.
All patient room front doors are an automatic lock type. Be sure to take your key card with you whenever you leave your room. In addition, every room has an in-room safe, so keep your valuables in it. (We do not take any responsibility for lost, misplaced, stolen, or damaged valuables or belongings.)
A vending machine is located next to the laundry room on the 7th floor. A water dispenser by the vending machine is also available.

Guide for Visitors

Visiting hours are 9:00am to 9:00pm.
* We do not allow visitors after visiting hours due to security reasons unless it is an emergency.
* Your spouse, partner, or family member can stay overnight with you (only in pravate rooms / suites). There is a futon bed they can use in each room.
* Extra sheets and pillows are available.

Check-Ups After You Leave

You will have 2 separate postpartum check-ups 2 weeks and 1 month after giving birth. You need to make appointments for these check-ups.



Payment Options

We accept most major credit cards, as well as debit cards, some IC card payments, or cash.
If your bill is ¥2,000 or more, you may choose any cashless payment option.

MasterCard/VISA/American Express/Diners Club/JCB/JCB DEBIT/nanaco/楽天Edy/WAON/QUICPay/Kitaca/Suica/PASMO/TOICA/manaca/ICOCA/SUGOCA/nimoca/はやかけん